Keyless doors, automated lights, video doorbells and more. We sat down to with the experts from MyPlace to look at the top smart home technology trends.

Have you ever had any of these thoughts…?

“NO! I did it again” … you left the house and forgot to close the garage…

“How HARD is it to remember your keys?” …when the kids call saying they forgot to bring their keys and can’t get in the front door.

“Who on earth could that be? We aren’t expecting anyone” …at the sound of the doorbell ringing and you’re not sure who it is but you don’t want to be seen looking through the blinds!

It’s safe to say that most of us have had these thoughts at some point. The solution to these everyday problems could be smart home technology.

We sat down with our display partners from Advantage Air to find out what the latest trends are in smart homes.

Keyless doors

Never be locked outside again! Kids forgot their keys? A surprise guest needs to be let inside? Or you accidentally locked yourself out? Keyless doors, like the Gainsborough TriLock Freestyle by MyPlace, allow you to unlock or lock your front door from anywhere.

Video doorbell

Take away the mystery of that unexpected visitor at your front door with a video doorbell. A notification pops up on your phone and lets you see who is at the doorbell through the video feed. You can access it from anywhere, so always know who is there.

Remote controlled garage

It’s not the best feeling when you drive away from home and have that nagging ‘voice of doubt’ in your head wondering if you closed the garage door. Remote controlled garages mean you can check if you’ve closed the garage through your phone, or even get notifications that you haven’t closed it. And if you haven’t you can simple close it from the app on your phone!

Online shopping is convenient and easy, but being home for the packages isn’t always as convenient. A remote-controlled garage can simplify the process too. You can talk to a delivery driver through a video doorbell, open your garage and ask them to drop it in your garage – all while you aren’t even home.

Automated lights

Setting up daily routines with your lights when you’re leaving the house, coming home in the evening or you are going away on holiday, is as simple as press of a button. You can set up lights to turn on and off at particular times.

Cold night? Don’t move from the comfort of your bed when you forget to turn off the kitchen lights… just roll over, grab your phone and press a button.

Smart homes are designed to enhance our daily lives by increasing convenience, improving energy efficiency, boosting security, enhancing comfort and adding value to our homes.

Inspired to turn your home into a smart home? Discover smart home technology with MyPlace on display at Home Collective.