You are reading: Scott Bridger’s Blood Orange & Fennel Salad

Scott Bridger’s Blood Orange & Fennel Salad

Serves 4-6

6 blood oranges, peeled & sliced into thin rings

2 bulbs of fennel, sliced very thin

1 red shallot, sliced thinly

1/2 bunch of Chives

1 bunch parsley or tarragon

3 tbsp. quality white whine vinegar

100ml extra virgin olive oil

salt flakes

cracked pepper


Arrange 2/3 of the blood orange slices around a medium sized platter.

Scatter the fennel, shallots and herbs over the orange and then place remaining orange slices on top.

Dress liberally with the vinegar and olive oil, before seasoning with salt and pepper.

And there you have it, the perfect side dish for Easter feasting!