Three Experts. Three Topics. One Day.
EARLY BIRD SALE ON NOW! Register before Friday 17th May and receive 50% off when you enter the discount code ‘EARLYBIRD50’ but hurry, tickets are limited!
If building a home is on the horizon, this short course is not to be missed. You'll hear first hand from the experts and get all the info you need to create your dream home.
Currently weighing up different builders? Have you created a wishlist of all your must-have items? In the first session Home Building Expert, Max Williams, will share his tips for briefing your builder on your must-have items and also working out how to prioritise them based on your needs and budget. We’ll also give you a list of questions you MUST ask your builder so you can ensure you’re both on the same page before signing the dotted line.
Do all the lines on a floorplan have you confused? Maybe you need clarity around solar orientation and designing your home to suit your block? In session two Design Expert, John Care, will teach you the basics of understanding a floorplan and the lingo that comes with it, while also touching on the areas of your home you want to get right. Plus he'll give you a few tips to picking a home design that suits your block of land.
Now for the fun part! Because after all, it’s what’s inside that matters. Interior Stylist, Tarina Wood, will host the final session and chat to you about all-things-interiors. She’ll teach you how to make the best choices now, to last through the times while also staying on trend. You'll get insider tips on where to shop for everything from dining tables to bedding and artwork. Plus, you’ll get to see how you can achieve some of the top trending design styles in your own home.